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How To Update/Upgrade Docker on Fedora 23

Posted on by dpepper
Category: Tutorials | Tags: Docker, Fedora 23
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Docker is a container-based software framework, commonly used for automating deployment of applications. Containers are encapsulated, lightweight, and portable application modules.

Pre-Flight Check

  • These instructions are specifically intended for upgrading/updating Docker on Fedora 23. If you’re using an older version of Fedora, check our tutorial for Fedora 22.
  • We’ll be logging into a Liquid Web Self Managed Fedora 23 server as root.

Step #1: Upgrade/Update Docker on Fedora 23

To upgrade or update, simply enter:

dnf upgrade -y docker-io

Step #2: Other Docker Commands

Docker already should be started, but if it isn’t you can start it with the following command:

systemctl start docker

Docker also already should be configured to start when the server boots; if not, you can use the following command to do so:

systemctl enable docker

Step #3: Download a Docker Container

To get started using Docker, we’ll download the Fedora Docker image:

docker pull fedora

Step #4: Run a Docker Container

Setting up a basic Fedora container with a bash shell requires a single command, “docker”:

docker run -i -t fedora /bin/bash

Breaking down that command:

  • docker run will run a command in a new container
  • -i attaches stdin and stdout
  • -t allocates a tty
  • fedora indicates that we’ll be using the standard fedora container
  • /bin/bash provides us with our shell

That’s it! You’re now using a bash shell inside of a Fedora Docker container.

To disconnect, or detach, from the shell without exiting, use the escape sequence: Ctrl + p followed by Ctrl + q.

You can easily search for other community containers. Here, we are searching for the keyword “fedora”:

docker search fedora

Step #5: Get More Out of Docker

Learn more about Docker by reviewing the official documentation.

About the Author: dpepper

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